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Heal Your Life ®

There is so much love in your heart that you could heal the entire planet…

for now, let’s begin with Healing yourself!


The basic Heal Your Life® philosophy is : 

  • What we think about ourselves becomes true for us

  • Everyone is responsible for everything in their lives — the best and the worst

  • Every thought we think is creating our future

  • Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings

  • The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences

  • We can change the thoughts we think


Join in the Internationally acclaimed Transformational workshop, based on the bestseller

'You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay.


The workshop is about YOU, the way you are, the key influences and events in your life that have brought you to where you are now and the way you would like your life to be. The process of healing your life begins with breaking through the layers of old conditioning and beliefs about how you “should” lead your life, identifying any problem areas and clearing out emotional clutter connected with them. There is no “magic” or “secret process”. All that is required is a genuine desire to commit yourself to change and a series of practical steps to make those changes happen. You can also be assured that you will be taken through the entire process in a safe and supportive environment. 


This workshop serves as “stepping stone” on your pathway of self-discovery. You will be gently and skillfully guided toward a realization of your own power, inner wisdom and strengths, which will help you to achieve the life of joy, happiness, prosperity and health you deserve. 


By the end of the course, you will have a renewed appreciation & love for yourself & others. You will also go home armed with spiritual   and practical tools and techniques that will help you respond to situations & circumstances in your life more positively & lovingly.

Free Group support sessions are available to deepen the learnings of the workshop


Glimpse of past workshops conducted by Geeta B Bhansali.

Through this program
you will:

  • Learn to love yourself and others more fully & deeply

  • Release negative emotions that block your joy & creativity

  • Release your limiting beliefs

  • Work with body, mind & spirit to transform your life

  • Understand your barriers to love

  • Get more of what you want from life

  • Gain new tools and ideas to assist you on your journey

  • experience business and professional success

Upcoming Workshop:

Heal your Life workshop (ONLINE) 

30th and 31st August, 1st September 2024(Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

Time: 7pm to 10pm IST


To enquire more about this workshop:

Call +91 9820390102 I


Investment Rs. 9999/- for new participants

Investment Rs.5500/- for re attending the workshop 

Inclusive of workshop materials, all meals and participation certificate.

Participant Stories

Geeta has a gentle yet strong guiding presence that she brings to her work. She is authentic and open and these are important qualities that I personally look for in any workshop leader. Thanks to her I will remember to lighten any unnecessary loads I have taken on

– Jaishree

I was finally able to let go of my relationship baggage that was holding me back and now I can forgive the person for the hurt. I liked the interactive nature of the workshop. Geeta made it very comfortable for us to communicate and share. I am at peace and able to be open to love again.

– Deepti Nagpal

The workshop opened me up to the possibility of an alternate thinking. Paradigm shift from outward situations to inward acceptance. I loved the sheer energy, the wonderful people, the positive technique and participative experience. The healing has started…now it is time to let go.

– Mustafa

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